It’s really simple!
There are only three simple steps to follow:

Get on
Have the card prepared before boarding the vehicle, so you don’t cause a jam at the door.
Check in
Tap your card against the reader every time you board a vehicle (even if you are only transferring).
Now you can just sit down and relax — you can be 100 % sure you have a valid ticket.… and if your journey is shorter than fifteen minutes, there is one more step to follow:

Check out
Short journeys under 15 minutes must be ended by a check-out, to let our system know it must charge you only the short-time ticket.ATTENTION! When checking out, you must, of course, use the same card or device you used for checking in!
What kind of payment is available?
You may pay your tickets with Visa and Mastercard contactless payment cards. The card must be contactless — there is no slot to insert the card in.

And you don’t have to limit yourself to cards only. Our terminals accept payments done with smartphones or smartwatches using GooglePay and ApplePay, just as any other contactless terminal.

No need to warry about security issues. The payment is the same as in any other shop. Your card data is safely transfered straight to the bank and nobody else, not even DPMB, has access to the information.
If you have uploaded your card into multiple devices (e.g. a smartphone and a smartwatch), you must use the same device consistently when beeping!
Each device sends different ID data to the terminal – if you, for exemple, use your phone to check in and your smartwatch to check out, the system will charge you with two separate tickets.

How does the system know how much to charge you?
If you aren’t selecting specific tickets but rather just use the check-in method (what we call “beeping”), the system will charge you automatically:
If you make multiple short-time journeys within sixty minutes, the system won’t charge you multiple short-time tickets, but rather the basic one-hour ticket for czк 25.
The fare is calculated everyday after 3 am. That is why beeping cannot function as a 24-hour ticket! If you're planning on travelling during the evening of one day and then in the morning of the following day, it might be better for you to buy the 24-hour ticket from the other tickets menu.
That is why the bill for the tickets will come sometime during the following night, after the system has accounted for all your journeys.
If this is still too theoretical and you need a few examples to illustrate, here they are.
Plus there’s a bonus!
Thanks to the beeping, you can travel with a one-hour ticket for more than just sixty minutes!
You can use this bonus in two cases:
If then (after the 60th minute of your journey) you check in again on board of another vehicle, the system will charge you another ticket.
During these journeys, you mustn't leave the territory of fare zones 100 & 101, as the tickets purchased by beeping are valid only within the city fare zones.

There are many advantages
It’s quick!
No more queueing for paper tickets in a shop, no more delaying the traffic by buying tickets from drivers, no more searching for change in front of the ticket machine, no more waiting for the SMS-ticket to come. Just tap the card and go!
It’s easy!
No more inquiring the terms and conditions, no more eyeballing your watch to be sure your ticket is still valid. Just tap the card while boarding and you are sure your ticket is valid.
It’s a bargain!
Money isn’t cheap and we know that. If you travel a lot, don’t worry you may overpay on tickets. The system will never charge you more than czк 90 for one calendar day, which is the price of a 24-hour ticket.
It’s safe!
Both checking in and selecting a specific ticket are completely safe and anonymous. The system guarantees to charge you an exact fare and to keep your card data and your travel info safe.
Across the city and beyond
Beeping — the automatic payment by checking-in without selecting a specific ticket — is available in fare zones 100 & 101.
That means you can travel with zero care in all trams, trolleybuses and buses on the whole territory of Brno city
(except for several stops near the Brno reservoir and a small number of stops on the outskirts of the city that lie in the suburb fare zones).
A "Beeped" ticket is also valid on train lines, but due to technical reasons, you cannot check-in or check-out on board of a train. Therefore on trains, only an earlier "beeped" ticket is valid for 60 minutes. On train lines, you may also combine this "beeped" ticket with other passes.
You can check the exact boundaries of the fare zones 100 & 101 in the map we prepared. It shows the suburb zones as well, because DPMB serves several suburb lines and you may encounter our terminals there as well.
If you want to travel out from Brno, e.g. by tram to Modřice, by trolleybus to Šlapanice or by bus to Veveří castle, beeping while boarding will not be enough. You must select and buy a specific ticket for the required range of fare zones — and our terminals can do that.
You always know how much you have spent
Using our terminals, you can check all the journeys you have made, how much has the system charged you, or when does the validity of your long-term pass end.
All you have to do is to tap the “Card info” button and then tap your card against the reader.
The terminal will display a simple and comprehensible overview of your interactions with our system.
If the inspector comes
Ticket inspection is actually even simpler than it used to be with paper, as the inspector doesn’t have to squint for small numbers on your ticket.
The inspector will offer you a reader you can tap with your card and the screen will show him a big green OK. And that’s all.
This reader is specially equipped for ticket inspections only. It cannot accept any payments or transactions.
Other types of tickets
Beeping is only one of your options. All terminals can offer you a whole bunch of other tickets. You can buy a ticket for a friend, or a reduced ticket for seniors or perhaps a ticket for your dog — anything you may need.
reduced fare
The beeping method always charges your card with the basic full fare.
If you need a reduced ticket (for children, seniors, disabled or any other), then you mustn’t check in while boarding the vehicle!
You must select the required ticket from the “Other tickets” menu.
Detailed instructions with pictures:

Do not tap your card while boarding but push the “Other tickets” button first.
Select the required zone range and time validity, depending on your journey. For most journeys within Brno city, the 2-zone ticket is enough.
Select the required reduced ticket. When you are done, push the “Pay▸“ button below..Attention! There are two different types of reduced fare in the IDS JMK system: A & B. To find out whether you are eligible for either type of fare reduction, go to the IDS JMK web page.

The terminal will display an overview of all selected tickets for you to approve before the payment.After you tap the card, if everything goes well, the terminal will show you the purchase has been approved. All your tickets are valid immediately.
ticket for another person
If you need to buy tickets for more than one person using only one card, then you must check in for yourself and then pick tickets for the others from the “Tickets for your co-riders” menu.
Detailed instructions with pictures:

Check in as usual to purchase the ticket for yourself. Then, to buy more tickets, push the “Tickets for your co-riders” button.
Select the required zone range and time validity, depending on your journey. For most journeys within Brno city, the 2-zone ticket is enough.
Select the type of the ticket (whether your co-riders pay the full or the reduced fare).
With every pushing of the ticket button, you add another ticket to your purchase. Remove them using the ➖︎ button.
You can select multiple tickets in one purchase. For example, a whole bunch for the entire family: you have checked in for yourself and then you added two full-fare tickets for adults and one reduced ticket for a child. When you are done, push the “Pay▸“ button below.
It is highly improbable, but if you exceed the maximum purchase limit of czк 500, the terminal will put an end to your shopping spree and will force you to remove some of the tickets.
The terminal will display an overview of all selected tickets for you to approve before the payment.
After you tap the card, if everything goes well, the terminal will show you the purchase has been approved. All your tickets are valid immediately.additional ticket for one extra suburb zone to your long-term pass or to your 24-hour ticket
If you have a long-term pass or a 24-hour ticket for fare zones 100 & 101 and you want to travel out from Brno to the suburb fare zones, push the “Other tickets” button in the main menu and then select “Additional 1 zone”.
Detailed instructions with pictures:

Do not tap your card while boarding but push the “Other tickets” button first.
Push the “Additional 1 zone” button.
Select the type of the ticket (whether you need the full or the reduced fare ticket).
With every pushing of the ticket button, you add another ticket to your purchase. Remove them using the ➖︎ button.
You can select multiple tickets in one purchase. For example, a whole bunch for a family trip: two full-fare tickets for adults and one reduced ticket for a child. When you are done, push the “Pay▸“ button below.
It is highly improbable, but if you exceed the maximum purchase limit of czк 500, the terminal will put an end to your shopping spree and will force you to remove some of the tickets.
The terminal will display an overview of all selected tickets for you to approve before the payment.
After you tap the card, if everything goes well, the terminal will show you the purchase has been approved. All your tickets are valid immediately.travelling outside Brno with no long-term pass or a 24-hour ticket
If you don’t have a long-term pass, nor the 24-hour ticket and you want to travel out from Brno to the suburb fare zones, push the “Other tickets” button in the main menu and then select the required ticket for more zones.
Detailed instructions with pictures:

Do not tap your card while boarding but push the “Other tickets” button first.
Select the required zone range and time validity, depending on your journey. In this example, we selected a ticket for 4 zones, for a journey from the main train station to Veverská Bítýška (zones 100, 101, 310 & 325).
Select the type of the ticket (whether you need the full or the reduced fare ticket).
With every pushing of the ticket button, you add another ticket to your purchase. Remove them using the ➖︎ button.
You can select multiple tickets in one purchase. For example, a whole bunch for a family trip: two full-fare tickets for adults and one reduced ticket for a child. When you are done, push the “Pay▸“ button below.
It is highly improbable, but if you exceed the maximum purchase limit of czк 500, the terminal will put an end to your shopping spree and will force you to remove some of the tickets.
The terminal will display an overview of all selected tickets for you to approve before the payment.
After you tap the card, if everything goes well, the terminal will show you the purchase has been approved. All your tickets are valid immediately.24-hour tickets
If you are going to travel all day and you don’t want to use the check-in method, push the “Other tickets” button and then you can select a ticket valid for 24 hours (there are tickets for Brno city area only, or for the whole South-Moravian region).
Detailed instructions with pictures:

Do not tap your card while boarding but push the “Other tickets” button first.
Select the 24-hour ticket for fare zones 100 & 101
Select the type of the ticket (whether you need the full or the reduced fare ticket).
The terminal will display an overview of all selected tickets for you to approve before the payment.After you tap the card, if everything goes well, the terminal will show you the purchase has been approved. All your tickets are valid immediately.

Do not tap your card while boarding but push the “Other tickets” button first.
In the next menu, select the “Other tickets” button once again.
Select the required zone range and time validity, depending on your journey.For most journeys within Brno city, the first two tickets are usually enough (tickets for 5 or 14 days). But you can also choose many other tickets for various trips within the IDS JMK system.

The terminal will display an overview of all selected tickets for you to approve before the payment.After you tap the card, if everything goes well, the terminal will show you the purchase has been approved. All your tickets are valid immediately.
tickets for a dog, a piece of luggage etc.
If you need an additional ticket for your dog or for a big suitcase for example, then check in to purchase a ticket for yourself and then push the “Other tickets” button to select a specific ticket.
Detailed instructions with pictures:

To buy the additional tickets, push the “Other tickets” button in the main menu.
Select the required zone range and time validity, depending on your journey. For most journeys within Brno city, the 2-zone ticket is enough.
Select the type of the ticket. Dogs and luggage are transported for the reduced fare A, bicycles are transported for full fare.For more detailed information about the different types of reductions, go to the go to the IDS JMK web page.

The terminal will display an overview of all selected tickets for you to approve before the payment.After you tap the card, if everything goes well, the terminal will show you the purchase has been approved. All your tickets are valid immediately.
To illustrate it simply
The greatest advantage of beeping is that the system always charges you the optimal fare for your journey. The prices, however, are still the same as with paper tickets.
for example:

Quickly to the station!
one short ride — you need to catch a train to somewhere else, so there will be no return journeys
the ride took you less than 15 minutes and you checked out while leaving the vehicle
the system will charge you the fifteen-minute ticket, because it was your only journey
= czк20

A ride to the dorms
you parked your car near a shopping centre on the city outskirts and then you took a bus to your dormitory
the ride from the parking to your dorms, including a transfer, took you more than 30 minutes, so you don’t have to check out — just leave
the system will charge you the basic one-hour ticket
= czк25

To the shop and back
one short ride to the shop to buy some food and a second short ride home
the whole journey took you less than one hour, you checked in while boarding and checked out while leaving both vehicles
two short-term tickets would cost you czк 20 + 20, but the system will charge you only the basic one-hour ticket
= czк25

Visiting your granny
twenty-minute ride to where your granny lives, a a coffee with her and then a twenty-minute ride back home
the whole trip took you 75 minutes, but you boarded the last vehicle and checked in before the 60th minute of your journey
the system will charge you only the basic one-hour ticket and the extra 15 minutes are a free bonus
= czк25

Across the city
you have a date somewhere really far away, on the other side of Brno
during your journey, you transfer twice between vehicles and you check in while boarding each of them
you boarded the last vehicle and checked in before the 60th minute of your journey, so the system will charge you only the basic one-hour ticket and the extra few minutes are a free bonus
= czк25

Sleeper on a circle line
your baby falls asleep really quick on a bus, that is a well established fact
you boarded the circle bus line, you checked in and then you stayed onboard for the whole route around the city, which lasts more than an hour
because you are still sitting in one vehicle, your basic one-hour ticket is valid till it reaches its terminus and the extra few minutes are a free bonus
= czк25

The sportsman
you decided to go for a nice two-hour swim at the pool — but because you are a swimmer, not a runner, you went there by tram
both rides there and back were short ones, under 15 minutes, but the gap between them is too long
the system will charge you two short-term tickets for czк 20 + 20, because that is the cheapest possible ticket combination
= czк40

Cinema lover
twenty-minute ride to the cinema, then a big Hollywood blockbuster, then the same ride home
the whole trip took you three hours (including the queue for popcorn) and there was quite a long gap between the two rides
the system will charge you two separate basic one-hour tickets (czк 25 + 25), because there is no other possible combination
= czк50

Crazy busy day
you have managed to take six rides since this morning: to work, from work, to the shop, from the shop, to the pub and back home
those trips took different amounts of time, there were long gaps between them, and if we were to charge you czк 20 or 25 for each of them, it would make a quite a large amount of money
that’s why the system will charge you only the price of a 24-hour ticket
= czк90
There’ something strange on the screen
Here is an overview of several other things the terminal may display.
None of them is catastrophic per se, but you might wonder, what they mean:

I cannot beep
This screen will be displayed if the vehicle leaves the fare zones 100 & 101, where checking in system does not work. If you want to pay for the ride using a card, you have to choose a specific ticket from the menu.

It’s taking forever
Even the most advanced piece of technology takes a break sometimes. It doesn’t mean something has gone wrong, just wait for a minute for it to speed up a bit.

Back to paper
Sometimes the contactless payment may not be available due to various reasons. In such case, the terminal will display a warning and you must use a paper ticket, which you can buy from the driver.

Ticket inspection
This display tells you the ticket inspector has entered the vehicle and asked the driver to turn the terminals off. If you had checked in, as a good guy should, you have nothing to worry about. If you hadn’t checked in, there is nothing you can do about it and you may begin to worry.

Stop wasting money
There is a warning on the top of the screen, because you decided to spend more than czк 500. Wasting so much money on transport tickets is not only unwise, but also (and that is the main reason for warning) impossible, because there is no way to enter your PIN code and finish the purchase.

Don’t rush it
You have removed your card too soon. Please try tapping it again and don’t rush away with it this time. This screen is quite rare, because our terminals are insanely quick, but you never know.

This one is not our fault. You can try it again, of course, but the problem is probably on your side. The card might be overdrawn or blocked, this kind of card might not be accepted by our terminals, or maybe there is some entirely different reason…

I don’t speak your language
This is Czech, the language of the native tribe in this city. If you want to switch to English, just push the little button with the British flag in the corner.
Frequently asked questions
Is there still something you don’t get?
Try looking for your questions below, maybe someone else has asked it before.
And if not, you can ask us via e-mail.
Is it possible for the reader to check my card in by accident, while I am just passing by the door?
Well, it is possible, theoretically. But practically, you would have to get really close to the reader, several millimetres in fact. That by itself is quite improbable, plus the readers are deliberately placed “above the pocket level” of an average passenger to avoid such situations.
How exactly is the bank transaction processed?
The system calculates your optimal fare during the night of each day (between 3 and 4 am) and only then it charges your bank account with the final amount.
The Mastercard cards always make a czк 1 collateral immediatelly after beeping, which is later erased and replaced with the actual fare. The transaction always takes at least three days, so do not panic if you see nothing in your e-banking.
The Visa cards, on the other hand, do not require the czк 1 collateral and charge your bank account daily with only the final fare amount. -
Can I return a ticket after a check-in?
Just as a validated paper ticket, it is considered to be “used”. -
Can I return a ticket I picked wrongly from the menu?
If you purchase a wrong ticket from the terminal (like a full fare ticket instead of a reduced one), the transaction is, unfortunately, irreversible.
That is why you must always check the purchase overview thoroughly before you finish the payment. -
Can I use the terminals even though I have an electronic long-term pass on my card?
Of course.
The long-term pass on your card counts as a ticket for you personally, but you can still use the same card to buy tickets for your friends or additional tickets for suburb fare zones for yourself. Or you can check the validity of your long-term pass from time to time. And if you want, you can beep with your card just for fun — if you have a pass on that card, no money will be deducted from your account. -
Can I use multiple cards while travelling?
Of course, suit yourself.
But be cautious! If you use one card for checking in on a short-term ride, make sure you use the same card for checking out. If you don’t, the system will charge you two separate basic tickets, because we have no way of knowing those cards belong to the same person. -
Can I combine my paper long-term pass with an additional ticket payed with a contactless card?
Of course.
Just don’t forget to show both of those tickets to the eventual ticket inspector. -
Can I check in within the Brno city and then check out or leave the vehicle in the suburb fare zone?
That, unfortunately, is not possible.
If you are travelling outside Brno, you must plan your journey in advance and select the ticket from the menu accordingly. If you forgot and just checked in, then it would be necessary to purchase the ticket for an additional zone during the ride. When travelling in the opposite direction, this mistake cannot happen, because the check-in system is not active in the suburb zones, which forces you to purchase the ticket from the menu straight away. -
Can I just beep for several days in a row to get a five-day pass or fourteen-day pass?
The sysem can count only up-to a 24h ticket and charges you every day during the night, so after multiple days of beeping, it would charge you multiple one-day tickets instead of one multiple-day ticket, which is quite a price difference. If you want to buy a multiple-days ticket, go to the Brno city service portal at BRNOid. -
Can I still use the classic paper tickets?
Of course.
Paper tickets are still being sold in shops, in ticket machines and by drivers. All the terminals are still equipped to validate paper tickets. -
Can I buy multiple tickets with different validity for different people using one card?
Yes, that is theoretically possible.
But it’s starting to sound like you are deliberately trying to overcomplicate things. If there are three of you, you can, for example, select tickets for 15, 60 and 90 minutes from the menu. As soon as you purchase them, they are all valid and the three of you must then leave the vehicle one by one before the validity of each ticket ends. And the last man standing must be the one holding the card. That is the crucial part of this little heist of yours. -
Can I get an invoice for the tickets?
Of course.
Just go to the BRNOidwebsite and you can download as many invoices as you want to. There are three ways to do that:
1) If you have the electronic long-term pass or you just have an account at BRNOid, just log in and browse the list of all your tickets in the section “My tickets”.
2) If you don’t have an account at BRNOid, just insert your card info and the site will generate a list of all your tickets.
3) If you are paying for the tickets with a phone (and therefore you don’t have a card number) or you just don’t want to give out your card info, go to BRNOid and insert the number of the transaction from your e-banking system to view the invoice for the individual ticket.
If you bought the ticket using your phone and you need the invoice immediately (before your bank processes it) you can use a special app for reading virtualised cards, which is available at BRNOid including instructions.
What would happen if I checked in with a card I have my long-term pas on?
If the system recognizes a card with a long-term ticket or pass associated with it, no additional fee is charged to that card when you check in. Only if you select a specific ticket from the menu (like a ticket for a friend, for a dog, etc.) the system will charge you.
due to current sanitary precautions, we do not recommend you visiting our contact centre presonally,
please use the electronic means of communication listed below